Is your forefinger longer than your ring finger?
What does it mean if your forefinger is longer than your ring finger? Science means `to know’. So do u wanna know about the five wonders of science. Then, this is the article for you that can make you wowed even for a second. Food covering that's edible, hearing ability of paddy plants, and so on. Wanna know more? Check out this article.
Is your forefinger longer than your ring finger?
Do you ever think why science is accepted widely as a fascinating study? Have you ever asked any scientist why they being passionate about science? In this article, we are gonna find it why science amuses the world.
Why do we hate onions? Because while chopping onions, it makes us sob. But recently some scientists in New Zealand made out onions without making tears in your eyes. It is made by genetically modifying the normal onions. Do you know why tears come while chopping onions? It is due to an enzyme called` Allinase’.While cutting, this enzyme undergoes chemical reactions and some sulfur compounds get released as the resultant. And that’s what makes us sob. By the process of gene silencing, the scientists silenced the performing action of this enzyme.
Let’s see another one. Can u believe if I say that paddy plants can hear sounds? But the Korean scientist Mi-Jeong Jeong and his team found this. They first made the paddy plants to hear classical music, but nothing happens. The miracle happens when they made it to hear the sound of frequency between 125-250 Hz. Two genes in the paddy get stimulated while hearing it and when the sound is lowered to 50 Hz, they become dilatory. Thus they proved that the genetic processes in paddy can be altered by sound waves. But this assertion is not completely accepted by the scientific community.
We always cover food items with wrappers of plastic or any other material to prevent contamination by flies or other pollutants. But as the wide usage of plastic is becoming fatal to the existence of the ecosystem and environment, American scientist Peggy Tomasula and his co-workers discovered edible paper food covers. This paper is not that kind of ordinary paper material. A protein named `Casein’ is made by blending milk powder with carbon dioxide under high pressure. And this protein is mixed with water and glycerol and then dried to make this sort of edible paper that can be folded easily. The advantage of this is that it won’t get wet and can be easily degraded in soil (Biodegradable).
Raise your palm! Look at your fingers. How’s its length? Is your forefinger longer than your ring finger? Then you have got a great proficiency in mathematics. This is asserted by an England scientist named Dr. Mark Brosnan.
He also proclaims that if the ring finger is lengthier than the forefinger, then the person is a more creative type. Because there is a correlation between the finger length and the hormones of the child in its embryonic stage. If testosterone is more, the child will have an affinity with numbers and due to this hormone their forefinger will be more longer and if estrogen is more he/she will be more skillful in language-related studies.
The main adversity faced by the medical world is the lack of getting human organs for replantation and replacement. In such a situation, some Californian researchers generated liver from the skin. This discovery was published in` Nature’magazine. The skin cells are transformed into `Endodermal progenitor’ cells and these are the cells that are transfigured into liver cells. This endeavor would take time to be applicable in the human body even though it gains success in rats.
I wish these 5 miraculous things rendered by science are interesting for you. right? I'm pretty sure that even for a moment you have got wowed by the incredibility of science and its fantasies. Science means `to know, so I’m so glad to make you guys informed of this knowledge. Science is not boring, it can make you excited if you get to know these types of wow-wonder of this field.