Crack the Code of Life: Your Happiness has been hacked!!
Understanding life, its meaning, and way of living will not only let you reach your goals but above all will provide you satisfaction and thus HAPPINESS.

Our life is a reflection of our thoughts and understanding the nature of our thought process and harnessing it is very complicated. Thus, understanding life seems like a mystery. But if you are successful in understanding the code of life, you achieve happiness.
Over the past year, Corona Virus, or as we say Covid 19 has brought the world to its knees. Our lifestyle has completely changed. On one side, our environment is healing and, on the other side, we are caged indoors. And thus, a lot of legitimate anxiety is created in the minds of people.
I know it is difficult to cope with the negative thoughts that come to our mind and so, here I am to help you feel positive, to look into the factors that we all know but do not put into effect.
Trust me, this happiness code will make you experience satisfaction in your life at least up to some extent. ;-)
You might be thinking, I shall tell you some principles or rules, that if followed will fetch you happiness. But it's nothing like that because a rule which might be ethical for someone could sound the opposite for someone else. So, I shall take you on a journey of self-realization where each one of you will be able to find happiness on your own.
Another question that might have appeared in your mind is that if there is no rule or code to understand life and achieve happiness, what does the title infer? Do not get confused with the terms crack or hack, the post is nothing about coding or programming, but you shall discover some similarities between the programming of your mind and in computer.
Okay, let all of us reflect for a moment into our life.
What do you feel? Do you feel it is complicated, or an overwhelming challenge? Or is it exciting, difficult but manageable? Or it may be somewhere in the between. So, in most cases, we feel satisfied or happy only when the external situations favor our taste. It is a natural tendency in us to believe that good food, a good lifestyle, money, a satisfying career, name, and fame only can make us happy. So, we try to make changes in our external situations. And yes, that’s fine. All of us want a good lifestyle, but do you think that only a good lifestyle is the path to happiness? Having a good name and lots of fame will satisfy you, is it so?
Let me help you realize it more clearly with an instance.
“There was a guy, who belonged from a middle-class family. He was very studious and passed out his 12th with flying colors. As a result of achieving a very high score, he got admitted into a reputed university with a free scholarship. Further, his excellent performance fetched him a very high-profile job. And he got all that he desired. He earned a lot, bought cars for himself and his parents. Initially, he was satisfied and happy with his job but then one day, he saw his colleagues who were in a higher position than him having a more luxurious car and became sad. He repented on his job position and desired to earn more. He worked very hard and became the managing director of his company. But he again felt jealous of his CEO’s lifestyle and thus, couldn’t be happy.”
The guy, who once used to think that, if he were able to buy his parents a piece of garment would be the happiest, couldn’t find his happiness even after being the CEO of a company. So, if satisfaction lies in having a good lifestyle, why couldn’t the guy feel it? Is it not because he always compared the term ‘Happiness’ based on achieving the ‘best exterior things?
However, even if we achieve everything that we have planned for ourselves, after a while, that happiness becomes temporary. The same object cannot keep our mind quiet always. We’ll soon set our minds on newer things and think that only the latest things of our choice can make us happy. Our mind gets filled with restlessness and, we keep on searching for new sources to be happy. In the process of ‘achieving’ things, we forget the enjoyment of ‘being’.
So, despite achieving all the ‘best things’ we never experience the true feeling of happiness and peace of mind.
By now, a question might have arisen into your mind.
Does it mean dreaming big kills our happiness? Should we not dream big?
No, it's not true. Dreaming big is no bad. But dreaming big and making it a cause of our happiness is dangerous. Achieving dreams should be just a means of being happy, not the only source of being happy because that will bring you happiness but won’t keep you happy forever.
But these thoughts are not created by ourselves, right? Then, why do such thoughts break into our minds? Is there any way to control them?
See I guess I can read your mind and your feelings, isn’t it? Hahaha, :D.It's because even I do face the same thoughts.
That is why it is said that the key to happiness lies in understanding life in its real terms and the key to understanding life is understanding our own thoughts which is Self-Realization.
Every action that we do is the result of some thought, right? Our thinking comes from our consciousness. It dictates us to think about what has happened in our lives and influences directly the outcome of whatever problem we happen to face. Our conscious mind receives images and hears sounds that are interpreted as thoughts.
Think of a situation. If you had a bad experience at some point in your life, it will be stored as an input in your conscious mind and will be processed in another level of your brain, which is the subconscious mind. The bad experience will stay stored in your mind for later recall. So, when you face a similar experience in the future, the subconscious mind will automatically refer back to the previous experience and, you will feel the same kind of emotions or thoughts.
See, as I said in the beginning, there is a lot of similarity in the programming of a mind and a computer system. Our subconscious mind works like an operating system, isn’t it? We are programmed in just the way a computer system is programmed. We are fed thoughts just the way a computer is fed, the only difference is our programming is done by words and the computer is programmed by coding.
So, we already came to know how such thoughts are born in our minds. But just knowing isn’t the solution to our problem, right? We want to avoid the restlessness that happens in our minds because of such thoughts.
So how do we do that?
Hey, Don’t you think every one of us has some generational trauma, and it's mainly because of our unsolved why answers?
How to cope with these unsolved why’s?
Look, our, why’s, will never end but we can allow these unsolved questions to bring only a little impact into our hearts.
Epicurus, an ancient Greek philosopher had mentioned in his Epicurean philosophy that tranquility, freedom from fear, and relief from bodily pain are what lead us to satisfaction and happiness.
Although relief from bodily pain cannot be completely attained but can be reduced to some extent by leading a healthy lifestyle. Taking proper diet and exercise increases our metabolism and thus releases us from bodily pain to a greater extent.
Similarly, if tranquility can be adapted, you will gain a lot of tolerance and, nothing in your life will seem like a hurdle to you. It is not loneliness. By this, you will learn to be happy with every moment. You will learn how to accept things instead of adjusting them because accepting situations will keep your peace of mind and motivate you whereas, adjusting to something can be done only up to a certain level and, at some point in time, you might lose your tenacity. It is not reaching perfection in every moment but living every moment to perfection.
This tranquility will let you experience freedom from fear. Do you know why you feel pain? It’s because you are afraid of losing things that you value. But you have to deal with pain, you cannot avoid that, but by accepting that few things are outside of your control and is fate will lessen your pain. It will let your heart experience more compassion than emotion.
But it does not mean you will stop trying to achieve your goals, okay!!
Thus, practicing these few things will reduce our tendencies to experience self-produced misery. With this emotion repair kit, you will focus on the thoughts that come before emotions and, you shall find you are controlling your mood. It is difficult but not impossible. And remember to smile!!